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It's not how you start, It's how you finish
Leadership Team
We Are Here to Serve
Pastor Tom Winslow
Senior Pastor
Hi there, Pastor Tom Winslow at your service.
Come on in! This way to a better way!
Shirley Winslow
Servant Extraordinaire
We attended a revival and was prophecied that we would be "the happiest church in Redding". We strive to live up to that and it's easy with happy, grounded people in our pews. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
Proverbs 17:22
Marie Keen
Women's Ministries
As Women's Ministries Leader, I invite you to join us in our meetings. Whether you are a new believer, a returning saint, or a "transplanted" Christian, it's important that you develop a relationship with other Christians. That's what Women's Ministries are all about.
cell 530~551~3821
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